
2023年2月21日—ToknowwhetheradeviceofferstheGoogleTVexperience,forinstanceforanalytics,youcanevaluateorfilteronthesystemfeaturecom.,2023年3月25日—InstallInternetSpeedTesteronyourphoneandcastthespeedtesttotheChromecast. ...,搭配GoogleTV(4K)-串流棒娛樂與語音搜尋-以4KHDR觀看電影、節目和直播電視-雪:居家與廚房.,TheScreenwiseMetermo...

Best practices to drive engagement on Google TV

2023年2月21日 — To know whether a device offers the Google TV experience, for instance for analytics, you can evaluate or filter on the system feature com.

How to test Wi

2023年3月25日 — Install Internet Speed Tester on your phone and cast the speed test to the Chromecast. ...

Google Chromecast 搭配Google TV (4K) Google Chromecast 搭配Google TV (4K)- 串流棒娛樂與語音搜尋- 以4K HDR 觀看電影、節目和直播電視- 雪: 居家與廚房.

Screenwise Meter

The Screenwise Meter mobile app is used to manage registered panelists' participation in market research panels. If you are not a registered panelist with ...

Set up the Screenwise TV Meter

About the equipment The Screenwise TV Meter collects data about the TV, movies, and videos that you watch and stream. The TV meter device has a camera, ...

How to use the Screenwise TV Meter

Checking in and out. When someone is checked in, the TV meter collects information about what is watched, total time watched, and who has checked in. As you are ...

Chromecast (支援Google TV)

裝上Chromecast (支援Google TV) 後,任何電視都能變成智慧型電視,讓你透過各種串流應用程式享受流暢的影音娛樂體驗。只要使用遙控器或手機操控電視,即可盡情觀賞 ...